All apologetics articles
If God created everything, who created God?
These days, many people claim that science has disproved God. But if you look at what scientists are actually discovering about the universe, you will realise that the opposite is true.
How can I hear from God?
“What do people mean when they say God talks to them? It’s not like he says: “Hello, Phoebe. How are you?”
Can I believe in the Bible and evolution?
Does believing in evolution mean Adam and Eve didn’t exist and the Bible is wrong?
If God forgives, can I do whatever I want?
“If Easter tells us that God forgives everything, can I just do whatever I want and then say sorry?”
Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
It’s hard to scientifically prove whether Jesus rose from the dead. But, like in a law court, eyewitnesses play an important part in helping us figure out what actually happened.
Does God need suntan lotion?
This question asks if God is like us. Does God struggle with the things we struggle with?
Q&A: Kenda Creasy Dean
Editor Ruth Jackson chatted to Kenda Creasy Dean, an ordained United Methodist pastor and professor of youth, church and culture at Princeton Theological Seminary. Kenda has written numerous books, including Almost Christian: What the Faith of our Teenagers is Telling the American Church