All leadership articles
More tools to help the Bible ‘stick’ in your life and those you serve
Tim Alford continues his exhortatation for us to make the Bible a vital part of your life
Faith is spelt: R.I.S.K. and what this has to do with a hamster wheel...
Tim Alford completes a 12 part series looking at leadership disciplines by considering how we lead ‘by faith’
'Welcome to our church' can be backed by action if we think hard enough
One of the most iconic moments in all nativity plays is the moment when Mary and Joseph go from door to door in search of a safe place to bring the baby Jesus into the world. At every turn someone says that there is no room and shuts the door ...
Yikes I have to give the Christmas talk!
Steve Henwood draws on years of experience of delivering Christmas talks to a variety of audiences and shares his secrets to kick start yours
Making sure the Bible really sticks - tools for you and your young people
Tim Alford suggests four ways to ensure that your Bible reading really provides spiritual benefit
Why confession is good for the soul and imperative for your ministry
Tim Alford discovers that a dodgy kettle is a perfect metaphor for a crucial truth
Why self-promotion is not compatible with promoting Jesus
Tim Alford finds a Christian podcast that wasn’t altogether helpful
Enabling children’s, youth and family ministers to flourish
Toolbox: leading and managing volunteers and staff
What to do when tragedy hits your youth group
For many of us, leadership is a by-product of youth and children’s work. But we want to lead well, so each month we unpack an issue we face as leaders, and offer some guidance to traverse it.
The generosity principle and why it could be a key for you going forward
For many of us, leadership is a by-product of youth and children’s work. But we want to lead well, so each month we unpack an issue we face as leaders, and offer some guidance to traverse it.
Could better training be the key to a flourishing youth ministry?
Toolbox: leading and managing volunteers and staff
You want God to speak? Where are you looking?
Tim Alford is alarmed at how few Christians read their Bible regularly and urges us to make it a priority in our routine
The circle of discipleship
Mark Griffiths and Rachel Turner’s monthly look at NexGen ministry
Leadership discipline four: RETREAT
For many of us, leadership is a by-product of youth and children’s work. But we want to lead well, so each month we unpack an issue we face as leaders, and offer some guidance to traverse it.
Why some parents can be grizzly bears
Every child and young person needs support to help them learn or engage with activities. Some need additional or different support from those of the same age to ensure that everyone benefits from all they participate in. We want to address some of the important questions around these needs. Welcome to ‘All inclusive’.
Leadership discipline three: SILENCE
Welcome to part three in our series on leadership disciplines – a combination of spiritual practices and leadership rhythms that will have a significant impact on who we are becoming and where we are going as leaders. So far, we have discussed fasting and prayer, today we ...