All children articles

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    Discipline – Getting it right, biblically, legally and practically


    When you think about discipline, what comes to mind? Perhaps it brings back memories of how you were treated as a child. Those memories could be positive or negative. As parents, we know discipline is key in helping children become well-balanced and responsible people, but the way you approach discipline can have a lasting impact on your child’s emotional and behavioural development. 

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    A Parent’s Guide to Safe and Enjoyable Sleepovers


    Sleepovers are a cherished part of childhood—an opportunity for children to bond with friends, and enjoy the freedom of staying up far too late! For parents, sleepovers are a big moment, as the fun also comes with the responsibility of ensuring everyone is safe and looked after. With stories of peer-on-peer abuse in the media, it’s natural for parents to have concerns. So let’s look at how you can make for an enjoyable and safe sleepover.

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    What you need to have with you in church for children with additional needs


    Additional needs guru Mark Arnold gives you the list of materials he won’t leave home without…

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    Join the Big Pea Challenge for Christian Aid Week


    Advertisement feature

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    Challenging behaviour? Or sensory processing difficulties?


    Every child and young person needs support to help them learn or engage with activities. Some need additional or different support from those of the same age to ensure that everyone benefits from all they participate in. We want to address some of the important questions around these needs. Welcome to ‘All inclusive’.

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    Private tuition - what are the risks?

    Each month, the safeguarding experts at Thirtyone:eight help us to keep those in our care safe, as well as our policies and procedures sound.

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    Tell me a story


    Story is all around us. Whether it’s a film or video game, a book or TV show, we can’t escape the impact of story on our lives. Even the most banal of gameshows will tease out a contestant’s story and what they might do with the prize money to make us care and keep watching. Alex Taylor sits back and dives into the world of storytelling and how it can be a key part of faith development.

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    Making space for children to be heard


    Each month, the safeguarding experts at Thirtyone:eight help us to keep those in our care safe, as well as our policies and procedures sound.

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    What does Proverbs 22:6 really mean?


    “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

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    Talking to children about safeguarding issues


    Children have the right to live free from the fear of harm and abuse. In settings and environments such as schools, which have had to learn the hard lessons of the past, this is already largely the case. But outside of school – in sports clubs, youth ...

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    BBC Bitesize removes pro-life infographics


    Popular educational website BBC Bitesize has been forced to temporarily remove infographics from the anti-abortion group, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC).