Childrenswork co-editor and children’s ministry adviser for the Diocese of London, Sam Donoghue, said: ‘I think anyone who is involved in children’s ministry will be rather surprised by these results as they paint a picture that doesn’t seem to chime with the experience of many of us. During the course of my work for the Diocese of London I have visited a lot of churches and, apart from a couple of exceptions, it is highly unlikely that I would meet more than one or two male children’s workers in any church.
Just for an example, in all the training we have run for children’s workers this term, I have trained three men among around the hundred we’ve trained thus far. The survey results are obviously cause for a little more optimism about the numbers of men working in our groups but I fear it is more likely to be a quirk based on those who do have more male leaders being more likely to fill in the survey as they feel strongly about the subject.’
75% of respondents said under 25% of their team was men
2/3 believe children’s ministry has a feminine emphasis
37% believed that there aren’t more men in children’s work because they’re discouraged by women