Gold trousers
Ever since watching one of the hosts (Not Martin) strutting around the stage in sparkly metallic jeggings, deputy editor and Summit contributor liaison Phoebe has been trawling the internet for a similar pair. Unsuccessfully so far.
No wi-fi!
Head of social media and Summit production manager Sean Skinner was horrified to learn that the Bethel Convention Centre had no wireless internet. ‘It’s 2013, catch up!’ shouted Sean at the cleaner, who then swung a Henry Hoover at his head in outrage.
The Takeover
The whole team were hugely inspired by the session given over entirely to young people; and designer and Summit dogsbody Lloyd has decided to take up ‘rapping about my life’ after seeing the inspirational L Sharp perform live. His new track ‘Nappies, Comic books and Pantone Colours’ will be available never.
‘That’ séance moment Team Youthwork are still laughing about the moment when speaker Celia Apeagyei-Collins suggested we were going to try to summon the forces of darkness together (we weren’t really). In itself, not funny at all; editor and Summit host Martin’s face at that moment – priceless.
The Midlands Journalist and Summit live-blogger Jamie has been a life-long fan, and the central location certainly didn’t disappoint him. Not only did his beloved Aston Villa stay in the Premier League, he also discovered the delights of the ‘West Midlands Jerk Centre.’ Food like it has never been seen before, nor will it be again