The Youthwork summit isn’t for everyone. We know that. But it is for some people. Check out our list of the sorts of people who should come to the 2012 summit – and see if any of these categories include you…
1. Employed youth workers – because you’re going to hear more than 30 people share big ideas, dreams and visions about the future of youth ministry.
2. Volunteer youth leaders – because we’ve got some practical talks to help you build your youth work toolkit – from using film to understanding mental health issues.
3. Church leaders – because we’re passionate about whole-church youth ministry and good line management. We’ve got Andy Hickford coming to talk about exactly that.
4. Parents – because you’ll hear the truth about what’s really going on in your teenager’s lives – from the proliferation of adult content, to the positive and negative effects of music.
5. Christians in statutory youth work – because our talks aren’t only relevant to those of us working in church contexts – for instance we’ll help you understand the teenage brain, think through the influence of youth language, and explore your own creativity.
6. Comedy fans – because we’ve got Tim Vine coming. And don’t worry – he’s coming to tell jokes. A lot of them.
7. Arty creative types – because Jamie Treadwell is going to help you to unleash your God-given creativity in every area of your life and work.
8. Tired people – because we’ve asked 40-year youth ministry veteran Les Comee to talk to you about how ‘letting go’ can help you rediscover the energy you’ve lost.
9. Big Picture strategists – because we’re bringing youth ministry consultant and coach Mark Oestreicher over a day early to help you think about the vision behind your youth ministry.
10. Evangelicals – because many of the speakers are.
11. Non-Evangelicals – because many of the speakers are.
12. Bad singers – because we’re going to be bringing together many of the youth work community’s ‘finest’ crooners for our early-day ‘Curryoke’ event.
13. Curry fanatics – because ‘Curryoke’ wouldn’t make much sense otherwise.
14. Wannabe beat poets – because we’ve got the reigning European Poetry Slam champion, Harry Baker, performing live.
15. People who like coffee – because our incredibly generous friends at Starbucks are again providing free coffee all day for everyone!
16. People who don’t like coffee – because they also serve tea.
17. Schools workers – because we’ll be filling you in on the new ‘School Pastors’ scheme, exploring how mentoring makes a difference, and looking in depth at the culture your young people live in.
18. People with ears – because our House Band – the incredible Rend Collective Experiment are back, and bigger than ever before, with London youth choir Walk da Walk in tow.
19. Youth ministry teams – because you will hear so many new ideas – you’ll want to implement some of them. Come and listen together – then use the breaks to figure out how this stuff is going to work in practice.
20. Young leaders – because they’ll love the pace of the day, the focus on big ideas, and the fact that many of our speakers are young leaders themselves.
21. Hip Hop connoisseurs – because we’ve got the MOBO-winning Guvna B performing live, and explaining how gospel music can reach young people.
22. People who owned ‘Powerpack’ – because Bob Moffett, author of the first youth ministry resource known to man, will be taking part in our early evening session.
23. Southerners – because frankly this year, you’ve got no excuse
24. Northerners – because last year all the Southerners came up your way.
25. Midlanders – because you simply can’t wait until May 18th 2013.
26. Theology buffs – because we’ve got Dr Conrad Gempf and his planet-sized brain, delivering massive revelations in bite sized chunks.
27. Student workers – because Miriam Swaffield is going to fire you up about making the transition from youth group to university life without losing faith.
28. Students – because you’ll hear big ideas at the cutting edge of youth ministry – and get more great essay quotes than you could ever need.
29. Manga fans – because ‘Manga Bible’ creator Siku will be on-hand to tell us about his groundbreaking new project.
30. Babies – because for the first time, we’re going to run a parent and baby room with a video relay.
31. Church treasurers – because you should see how well your £30 has been spent.
32. Youthwork magazine readers – because you’ll hear some of the best-loved contributors from 21 years of the magazine, from John Allan and Pip Wilson to the founding father himself, John Buckeridge.
33. PCC and church committee members – because you’ll gain priceless insight into why your youth workers are so passionate – and why they desperately need your support.
34. People who feel isolated – because you’ll get an amazing opportunity to meet over a thousand youth workers who share your passion for God and for young people, as we’ll give you purpose-built opportunities to network with them.
35. Activists – because you’ll hear from world-changers like Patrick Regan and Emad, an Egyptian youth worker who has ministered to teenagers through the Arab Spring.
36. Contemplators – because we’ve asked Catholic pioneer Avril Baigent to help you to practically explore the Spiritual Disciplines with young people.
37. Film nuts – because Steven Mitchell and Marc Williamson are going to present the best five movies to help you talk to young people about the Kingdom of God.
38. Future speakers – because at least six of this year’s contributors have previously attended the Summit as a delegate.
39. People stuck in a rut – because hearing scores of new ideas will jolt your ministry into a whole new lease of life.
40. Fans of The Blobs – because Blob tree creator Pip Wilson will be in the house, which from previous experience means anything could happen.
41. People who care – because you’ll hear first hand the story of Layla, a teenager who’s life in the care system has been hugely impacted for the better by the influence Christian youth workers.
42. People who are feeling old – because we’ve gathered together a wise ‘council of the elders’ to look both forwards and back, dreaming together about how youth ministry might learn the lessons of the last three decades.
43. Tech-heads – because not only will Twitter again be awash with live summit micro-blogging, you’ll also get an incredible demonstration of new technology previously only seen within the boundaries of NASA.
44. Happy Campers – because if you’re staying overnight at London School of Theology, you can take advantage of our super-cheap accomodation option.
45. Belgians* – because YWS welcomes delegates from beyond this Sceptred Isle. Last year we had visitors from Brazil, Japan and Germany. Who’s coming in 2012?
*Other nationalities also very welcome