
After a while the crowd got excited and the cheerleaders knew the athletes were nearby. “Share your water with us so we can all keep on cheering,” said the disorganised cheerleaders to the others. But the others said: “No, we need this water so that we can keeping going, go and find some of your own.”

While the disorganised cheerleaders went off looking for water, the runner approached. The prepared cheerleaders shook their pom poms and cheered the runner on, all the way over the finish line.

The runner was so pleased with those who had cheered that they were invited to the after race party. The five disorganised cheerleaders tried to go along too, but the marathon runner said them: “You were no use, you didn’t cheer for me when it counted, so you don’t get to join in the celebrations now!”

Discussion questions

This is a retelling of Matthew 25:1-13, the parable of the ten virgins. Here, young people might be able to identify with cheering on and supporting their friends. Use the following questions to help young people and children explore the story further:

  • Which kind of cheerleader might you be?
  • Who are you cheering?
  • What does this story tell you about God’s kingdom?
  • The cheerleaders in the story were distracted; what distracts you from things you need to focus on?
  • Should the cheerleaders with water have shared the water they had?
  • What might the water in the story represent?
  • The marathon runner didn’t let some of the cheerleaders into the party, was that fair?

For this tale and more have a look at, and maybe take the time to write and submit your own.