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The soundtrack album to the most recent Fast and Furious film - released as a tribute to Paul Walker, who died while the film was being made.


How you use this session will depend on the circumstances of the group. For some, this session could be used as a tool to help them unpack the issues associated with a particular bereavement. Alternatively, you could use this session as an end-of-the-school-year session, preparing your young people for the next stage in their lives.


If using this as an end-of-the-year session, you could begin by looking back at all the things you have done together as a group, perhaps with photos and film clips that you have taken together. Invite your group to share their favourite memories and talk about how you have grown together as a group or family.

Explain that you are reaching a point in time where you are preparing to move on, perhaps to new schools or to college, and some will use this as a time to ‘graduate’ to a different group. This can be a time when you may lose touch with one another, although of course, you hope that you will maintain friendships.

It can be helpful to mark these times of moving on as a way of recognising the changes that you are going through and not simply slipping away without a sense of closure.


Play the track and provide copies of the lyrics and highlighter pens. Invite your young people to mark any words that particularly stand out before sharing them with the wider group. Which of these words best sum up how you are feeling at this time? Why do you think you relate most to this? Does anything feel particularly raw? Does anything comfort you in some way?

Explain to your group that much as we love being together and being there for each other, there will be a time when we don’t meet like this or perhaps where we can’t be there for one another in the same way. But we don’t just have one another to depend on. We are only human and there is a limit to what we can do, but thankfully the Bible tells us that God will always be there for us.

Distribute Bibles and ask your young people to look at Psalm 121. Ask your group: what does this Psalm say to us about the way that God is with us? What does it mean for him to watch over our comings and our goings? How does knowing this help us to celebrate, even when we may be feeling anxious about the future? As you close the session, pray God’s blessing over one another as you depart.