

It’s a tough time to be superhero, to make matters worse, Batman is uneasy with Superman’s appearance and godlike powers, and begins preparations to take him down. Add Lex Luthor – the criminal mastermind and millionaire – into the mix, who pits the two heroes against each other, and you have a recipe for much destruction.

There are many ‘smash bang wallop’ clips that could be used from this film, including the final showdown between our heroes but for this clip, we are focusing on the growing tension between Batman and Superman. Superman arrives for a hearing about whether he is accountable for the destruction caused in the previous film. During the hearing the building is destroyed with Superman inside. Bruce Wayne responds to this situation, further blaming Superman for what is going on and stealing kryptonite to fight Superman with. Superman admits his fear to Lois that he’s no longer a symbol of hope and good. Show the clip, then break off into groups and discuss these questions:

  • Do you think Superman had the potential to save everyone? Does he actively choose not to do so?
  • Have you ever felt alienated from a group of friends or a community? What other groups of people may sometimes feel like this?
  • Why do you think Bruce Wayne fears someone with Superman’s power? Is he right to do so?
  • Should people who have more power (physically or in stature) be held more accountable for their actions?

Read Romans 3. If you are short on time, focus on verses 3 to 7. After you have read through the passage, return to your groups and discuss the following questions:

  • What do you think the overall message of this passage is?
  • Focus on verse 5: what is Paul saying here? How would you explain or reword it?
  • Should God be held accountable for not stopping evil actions, Superman is in Batman v Superman?
  • What does Paul compare the heart, throat and tongue to? Are these comparisons fair?

Read verses 13 and 14. These are taken from Psalms 5, 140 and 10 (in that order). Read these Psalms.

  • Who were these passages referring to in the original Psalms? Who is Paul now using them to refer to and why?
  • You may find that The Message has an interesting and more accessible translation of Romans 3 for younger groups.