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In a show full of oddities and unexplained events, the regeneration of the central character of Doctor Who stands out as the most bizarre of them all. Each Doctor comes with a fresh look, sense of humour, companion and personality. Though they remain the same person at their very core, they appear, to all intents and purposes, to be someone completely different. One of the most famous characters in science-fiction has a snake-like qualitythat means he regularly sheds his skin.

But here’s the thing – wouldn’t we all like the chance to re-invent ourselves? Wouldn’t it be great to click our fingers and become someone entirely different? • If you could ‘regenerate’ and start again from scratch, would you?

• Would it be because of who are, the mistakes of you’ve made or something else?

• What would you like to change into?

It’s January, a new year, and in its own way – a chance for a fresh start. One way people do this is with New Year’s resolutions – not quite regeneration – but a chance to commit to changing ourselves for the better, even if they often last only a week.

• Have you ever managed to keep up any New Year’s resolutions?

• What has caused you to fail at them in the past (if you did fail)?

• Have you got any this year?

• Has anyone already failed?

Jesus talks about fresh starts as well. Read John 3:1-7, the story of Jesus meeting Nicodemus. Explain that Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a teacher of the law, who visits Jesus secretly at night.

• What do you think Jesus is talking about here?

• How do you think we can be born again?

• What kind of fresh start do you think Jesus is offering?

• What do you think this would look like in your life?