1. The clean version
This one sucks.
2. Blown out of all proportion
The faceless and bobbly-handed family. Is that a sausage on Joseph’s chin?
Source: allthingsballoon.blogspot.co.uk
3. Come meat your maker
Vegetarians – look away. Many, many animals were harmed in the making of this image.
Source: www.buzzfeed.com/yasrsly/the-nativity-scene-was-a-sausage-fest-1zl1
4. The arty one
So arty.
Source: www.dezeen.com/2012/12/24/colour-nativity-by
5. Holidays are coming
Nativity a la Coca Cola. With added Santa Claus.
Source: shoshanaabroad.wordpress.com/2014/01/09/sevilla
6. Jesus…I’m your father
The force is strong with this one.
Source: Reddit
7. Cracking Christmas
Source: www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/11/nativity-scene-reason-for-season.html
8. Quacking Christmas
9. This one had us in creases…
Sometimes less is less.
10. The Christmas Farm-ily
Dogs dressed up as other animals. What’s not to love!