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You can use this story or, if possible, think up your own before discussing the questions. Last week I was making a coffee in the kitchen of the office I work at. As I poured the coffee pot it dripped all over someone’s important looking diary that had been left on the side. My first thought, of course, was ‘Oh no!’ But then I thought: ‘Who leaves a diary on the side in a kitchen? It’s their own fault!’ A minute or two later a colleague came in to the kitchen and was upset to find their diary a bit sodden with coffee drips. I had a choice – Should I own up and apologise, do I just keep quiet and let her assume it was someone else, or do I take the high ground and berate her for leaving it on the side in a busy kitchen? What would you do? Does it even matter? Are there any deeper implications of this decision? How does integrity grow in a person? Can you think of a situation you were in when integrity was at stake? How did you feel? How do you feel about it now?


 Plot your position on the grid (right) for ‘How I deal with the temptation to lack integrity?’


 Look at the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10. Discuss integrity in this story: why did they not display integrity? What was the temptation – how could they have acted instead? What caused them to go wrong? Do you empathise, or are you scathing in your judgement of them? Pray together about integrity.


Choose a score that best reflects how well you are doing with your integrity in these places, with zero being hopeless and ten being perfect: school, home, money, time, hidden thoughts, what you portray about yourself to others.
