Embarrassing your kids with your faith? Don’t lose heart, they will get over it!


When I was in infant school (year 1 or 2), my Mum and Dad were the local vicar and his wife and they regularly came in to do assembly in school. A particular highlight was when my Mum came in and sang the classic ‘I am a sheep’ song

I am a sheep, baa baa and I like to be well fed

But like a sheep, baa baa I’m a little stupid in the head

I go astray most every day o what a bother I must be

I’m glad I’ve got the good shepherd looking after me

Ha ha ha ha, baa baa.

At six years-old I thought they were really cool. Most of the other children loved it so my parents were, in my small primary school, minor celebrities!

But there were many more moments when I cringed at what my parents and family did. As a tweenager I remember going on a ‘March for Jesus’ in my local city, mortified by ‘having’ to be there. I remember internally vowing that I’d never make my children do anything related to church that they didn’t want to do.

During my teenage years (when I wasn’t so ‘quiet’ in how I expressed my displeasure) there were some days when I resented some of the practices of faith in my family. I didn’t want to pray at mealtimes or watch Christian TV shows as a family, especially not if my friends were anywhere near.

I resented some (not all) of the rhythm of church life when it didn’t suit me or it wasn’t my style choice. I was happier to co-operate when it met my needs and preferences.

We will never say grace at mealtimes!

Again, I remember moments where I ‘decided’ that I wouldn’t ‘inflict’ such things on any future family I had, and felt I was a better person for making this decision. I remember, in a particularly teenage moment, announcing to my family that we would ‘never’ say grace at our house.

Here’s the thing – I think I was right.

And also quite wrong!


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