Studying economics as a Christian


I attended at a brand-new High School school on the Isle of Wight and so did not have the full range of options at GCSE. I was thus excited to discover that economics was being offered at A-level and even more excited that the new teacher had 100% pass rate! ( a success rate he maintained with the twelve of us who were in his class). I enjoyed the course so much that I went on to study a branch of economics as a degree - the rather rare (and now even rarer) agricultural economics at Wye College, London University (in rural Kent) which sadly closed in 2009.

I was a Christian from a young age and well aware of how the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil and can be a snare and those greedy for money can fail to follow the way that God has planned (1 Tim 6:9,10). But the study of economics (and ancillary subjects such as Business Studies) has real merit for Christians and I would argue that every Christian needs to understand the basics.

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