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You will need: several printed copies of the dramatic Gospel reading to give out to each of the characters in the drama, batons, oranges, balls, polo mints and straws for relay races, paper and scissors to make paper chain people, a candle that is easy to light and be safely passed from person to person, a cross, Bibles and quiet worship music.


10 mins 

Get some young people to act out this passage from John 1:29-42:

Narrator: The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him.

John: Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptising with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.

Narrator: Then John gave this testimony.

John: I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptise with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit.’ I have seen and I testify that this is God’s chosen one.

Narrator: The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. They testified that Jesus was the son of God. When John saw Jesus passing by, he spoke. John: Look, the Lamb of God!

To read the rest of the story go to the link pages. 


10 mins 

Ask the young people if they have ever run a relay race. Talk to the young people about how the baton is handed on from person to person without dropping it. Then talk about how this relates to our faith and how it is important to pass on our faith to others: in fact it is something that Jesus calls on us to do.

Get the group to look up Matthew 28:19- 20 and ask someone to read it aloud. Talk about the inspiring instructions Jesus gives us, but that at the same time remind the group that when we read these commands there is great responsibility. However, remember Jesus promises always to be with us to help us, forever.

Explain that John the Baptist is a key character in this story as someone who has to pass his baton on. He has prepared the way for Jesus really well, telling people about who Jesus is and spreading God’s word. Now it is time for him to hand over the baton to Jesus who in turn hands it to the disciples. Jesus calls the disciples - who are a very unlikely group – are they going to be up to the job? Well they do hand on the baton of faith and mission, and ultimately it is handed onto us. What are we going to do with it?

Spend some time praying for the courage to hand on our faith to others even if we feel ordinary or not up to the job. Pray that we have the confidence to take on the baton and pass it on.


Reaching out to others and sharing our faith is an important part of what we are called to do as Christians (see Matthew 28:19-20). This links us to other Christians and gives us a sense of connectedness today, back into the past and into the future.


15 mins 

Choose one or two of the fun relays listed below to illustrate passing things on, connecting to the passing on of faith:

• A traditional relay race passing on batons This could be run if you can go outside.

• Each team must pass an orange, or orange-sized ball from person to person using only their necks and chins.

• Each team must pass a polo mint from person to person. It must be passed on using straws held in people’s mouths.


It is not always easy but it is important to remember that Jesus has promised to always be with us and to help us until the end of time.


10 mins 

In groups, discuss these questions:

• Why is it important to pass on our faith?

• What difficulties do we fear when we reach out to others and try to share our faith?

• How can we pass on our faith to others?

Remind the group that actions are as important as words: how can our actions help to spread our faith?


15 mins 

This prayer activity helps us to focus on passing on our faith and the connectedness of faith we have with other Christians: today, in the past and into the future. Make paper chains of people and if possible, form all of the chains into a circle or a line on the floor.

Gather into a circle and once everyone is sat down quietly, tell the group that they are an important part of a linked group of people going back to John the Baptist and Peter. Hold a Bible and say, ‘This is the story of our faith, let’s keep it alive and pass it on.’ Pass the Bible around the circle. Hold a lit candle and say, ‘This is our worship, let’s keep it alive and pass it on.’ Carefully pass the candle around the group. Take the cross and say, ‘This is our hope and our salvation, let’s keep it alive and pass it on.’ Take some of the paper people and say, ‘This is our community, we are God’s family, let’s keep it alive and pass it on.’

Then link the paper people representing our community to other paper people on the floor. Say, ‘These are the people we are reaching out to in mission, let us take our faith to them and pass it on.’ Close by praying for the group and giving thanks for all those people who passed on their faith to us.