The family of Hannah Montagu, a young Christian woman who is recovering from severe brain injuries, has told YCW they are completely “blown away” by the support people have shown to them.
In less than 48 hours the family reached their fundraising target of £40,000 needed to adapt Hannah’s home to disabilities derived from her brain injuries.
“We are just completely and utterly blown away by God’s kindness and provision and people’s generosity. He’s poured out his love through so many people,” Hannah’s sister, Abbie Carroll, told YCW.
The 23-year-old from Bath fell into a coma at the beginning of 2021 after suffering a sudden brain haemorrhage – she had no previous medical history.
At the time, doctors told the family she had just days to show improvement otherwise they would start end-of-life care.
But a few days after, Hannah started to show small signs of improvement, enough for the doctors to continue the life support.
Seven months later she woke up from her coma.
Hannah’s story sparked a prayer movement that saw thousands of people praying for her 24 hours a day with worshippers from over 40 countries interceding for her.
For Hannah’s family, those prayer meetings have been their spiritual support.
“We felt the powerful, tangible presence of God through prayer, we felt people’s prayers holding us through each day,” Carroll said.
“We’ve definitely been completely transformed. And we are so grateful for every single prayer that was sent up for Hannah, because we’ve seen it change our lives and also changed Hannah’s life.”
Hannah’s life has been drastically altered by the injury. She is currently unable to fully open her eyes due to nerve damage and has lost all core strength, having to relearn everything, including how to breathe.
However, she has retained all her memories and cognition.
“She is very much aware of what’s happened,” Carroll continued.
“She is obviously devastated. She is really struggling. And we pray a lot now for her mental health and emotional health, as she comes to terms with what’s happened.”
Carroll also said Hannah is “incredibly grateful” and “couldn’t quite believe” everyone’s generosity.
The family’s current aim is to move Hannah out or her care home into a small bungalow with her husband Rob.
The money fundraised will go towards a renovation project to adapt the bungalow to Hannah’s needs.