Why Jeff Stelling’s rant about eating disorders on Sky was necessary and what Christian families can do


The cost of eating disorders on the UK is over £9.4 billion but what the financial costs fails to consider is the emotional cost alongside this. Beyond just the person with the eating disorder is their entire carer network. There is the  24/7 role of a carer watching someone you love suffering this cruel illness: an illness that sweeps through entire homes, families and keeps you awake at all hours.

When I think back over my time with an eating disorder, a carer has taken a few forms, my sister who took me to the cinema a few nights before my hospital admission, encouraging me to have a snack and creating a happy memory as we sung Top 40 on our drive to and from the cinema. My parents who sat with me encouraging me to eat, my parents who took the brunt of so many arguments, who stood there as I lobbed food at them. And my now husband, who buffers diet chat, makes sure that restaurants work for me and creates safe environments.

Juliette’s daughter was referred to CAMHS in January 2019 as she had started restricting and was losing weight. During the appointment with CAMHS, they diagnosed her as Atypical Anorexic.

“The diagnosis made her worse and more determined to lose weight. I think she felt as though she wasn’t a “proper Anorexic“. Over the next few months things got much worse for Juliette’s daughter. “It was a horrendous time for my daughter, but it also impacted hugely on the whole family. At times I did wonder where God was in all this and why He wasn’t healing her. I prayed many times a day as I was desperate to see her get better.”

“My faith has helped me immensely during this time. In early January 2019, I was praying for her recovery. I felt the Lord say to me that “ she would be okay “ Later that day when I was driving to pick her up I saw a rainbow and I knew it was God confirming His promise to me. Although she was very ill and recovery felt impossible, I never gave up hope. Quite a few of the therapists we have met over the last few years have asked me where I get my strength and hope from. It’s wonderful to be able to share that as a Christian I believe in God and I believe he will fully heal her. All glory goes to Him!”

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