8 ways to teach your children to pray (and leave them skills that will last a lifetime)


I have been a parent for many years and have a huge passion for children and family life. I have read books and articles, listened to talks and been on a few courses. Over the years I have certainly made some mistakes, but overall, family life has been full of laughter. Now they’re grown, my husband and I miss our children dreadfully.

I am convinced that good parenting is not about adopting certain techniques. It’s about living as part of God’s story and letting God’s good news shape your values, attitudes and behaviour.

Below are eight tips for Christian parents on praying with and for your children from my years of learning and experience. I firmly believe that teaching our children to pray is not about imparting a procedure but teaching them the character of God and His Gospel with the help of the Holy Spirit.

These tips are certainly not exhaustive, but I hope give you some encouragement for the journey.

1. Everyday

Praying creatively at bedtimes and mealtimes can be a great way of encouraging prayer. For example, ‘You can only pray if you have dived down to the bottom of your bed under the covers!’ Or, ‘the next person to eat a mouthful is the one to pray!’

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