All Mentoring articles – Page 3

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: Lost And Found


    What’s the most precious thing you have ever lost? When I was 18 I had my backpack pinched – and with it, a diary I had kept for several years, including throughout my amazing gap year teaching in Tanzania. It contained my memories, thoughts, experiences, poetry, drawings, doodles and so on (I also lost my Walkman and Michael Jackson cassette tape but let’s leave my age out of this). As you can imagine, I was gutted.

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: One of your five-a-day


    Here’s a challenge… Don’t think of a pink elephant… I said don’t! I bet you can’t get that image out of your head now.

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: Faith and Deeds


    Last month a friend of mine posted a comment online about how much pain he was in from a persistent knee problem. I knew he wasn’t a Christian but felt compassion for him and had faith that God could heal his knee.

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: Are you Dave Gorman?


    A few years ago, comedians Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace coined a new approach from which they were able to build a career …

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: Comfort, Stretch and Panic


    Ask your mentee to suggest the first word that comes into their head to do with what it means to have character, starting with each letter in the word ‘character’ (eg courage, heart, accountability etc).

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: Clarity


    This year I moved into a new role mentoring artists for a Christian record label. One of the key issues I find musicians struggle with is the muddiness of ‘not knowing.’ Not knowing what to do, how to do it, or why it matters. It restricts their creativity, undermines their goals and paralyses their to-do list! My advice is mostly common sense, but without an outside focus they don’t know where to begin or what to get on with first. The potential is there, but confusion robs them of achieving it.

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: The Character Pyramid


    This character pyramid is a resource that could easily structure a whole term of mentoring sessions. This session just cov­ers the basic idea. 

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: YouTube Channels


    YouTube channels are big business these days – teenagers are earning millions of pounds, getting millions of views each month and often making careers out of it. Of course, the majority of teenagers are consumers, spending hours watching this content. Yes, this can be unhealthy, but it can also be educational and it can actually raise aspirations in young people who might otherwise not have aspirations.

  • magazine covers for nexgenpro (16)

    Ready-to-use Mentoring: Invitation and Challenge


    A couple of years ago I was drafted in to help a rural youth work trust with a couple of youth groups and drop-ins – the leader had stepped down from the groups because it was clearly not working for him or the young people…