Jenni Osborn
Jenni Osborn is a supporter of those who work with young people, through practice supervision, writing and training. Find out more about her work on the website www.jenniosborn.org
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Worshipping with young people at Christmas: is it a blessing or a potential car crash?
Jenni Osborn speaks with a number of youthworkers, including an accidental clip from the Church of the Latter Day Saints…
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The real lives in ‘Byker Grove’
Three years ago Jenni Osborn was writing a book about youth work in the covid era and beyond. Dave and MINE Youth were featured in that. This summer, she caught up with Dave in his last week with MINE Youth.
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Residentials past and present: why time away is so vital for a youth group
Jenni Osborn suggests that planning a residential or camp in the year ahead could be the most important thing you do
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Why knowing and telling stories is crucial for your work
Jenni Osborn believes that the stories we tell ourselves and our children will define the kind of ministry we have
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New year-ish
I’ve never been a fan of the ‘new year, new you’ approach to life. Sure, there are times of the year when it feels like a change is needed, and that can involve introducing new habits or resolutions, but the tendency to save all of those up for one specific ...
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School protests
We have seen a rise in protests happening at schools in various places around the country in the last few years. They have been organised for different reasons but all have at the centre the desire to see change, and each of them have been passionately fuelled.
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The importance of good religious education
I have long been passionate about the need for schools to have good religious education (RE) lessons. It’s essential for the way we live today that children know and understand about the religions of the world, with a particular emphasis on those faiths that are represented in their communities.
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The power of storytelling
I’ve collected a few stories that have inspired me this summer and I’ll introduce you to them now. If any of these resonate with you or you think they will resonate with the children and young people you meet, then do look up more information.