If you think your parenting is less than perfect, it’s OK. God is there to help

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Do you have a question about raising your kid? Good, here are 278,997 parenting websites, 30,000 podcasts and 405,662 self help influencers you can follow, to tell you exactly what you are doing wrong; sending you the message that there is, in fact a right, and therefore a wrong, way to parent! The mountain of information, opinion and faddy new ways that psychologists have now discovered of parenting kids is a minefield. It communicates to us parents that we are probably going to mess this up.

The pressure on parents has never been higher. A study by New Action for Children shows 82% of UK parents have demonstrated at least one of the warning signs that may indicate parental burnout in the past two years. The fear that we are not meeting the needs of our children being the main factor, we are afraid that we are messing up our kids, that we are not doing enough. Whether we work full time, part time or are stay at home parents, we all measure ourselves according to an impossible set of standards set by social media suggesting what is perfection and how to compare the progress of our children. Juggling the needs of our kids, our spouse, the financial needs of the house and all life admin can feel overwhelming.

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